Professional Services

Private Cloud Hosting

At Iguana Solutions, we understand that every organization has unique needs when it comes to cloud infrastructure. Our Private Cloud solutions are designed to provide the perfect balance between flexibility, security, and control. These adaptable and robust solutions ensure high performance and reliability. Tailored for your business, our Private Cloud services empower you with the tools needed to thrive. From protecting your sensitive data with top-notch security to offering the flexibility to scale resources, we are committed to delivering a cloud infrastructure that supports your unique business objectives.

What is a Private Cloud?

A Private Cloud is a dedicated cloud infrastructure reserved exclusively for your organization. This means that all the resources, including servers, storage, and network, are allocated specifically for your use, ensuring complete isolation from other users. Unlike public clouds, where resources are shared among multiple tenants, a Private Cloud provides unparalleled security, performance, and customization tailored to your exact needs. It’s the ideal solution for businesses with stringent compliance requirements, as it allows for more precise control over data privacy and regulatory adherence. Additionally, a Private Cloud is perfect for handling sensitive data, as it offers enhanced protection against unauthorized access and breaches. This dedicated infrastructure is also suitable for specialized workloads that demand consistent performance and reliability. With a Private Cloud, you can customize the environment to meet your specific business needs, ensuring that your applications and services run optimally. The dedicated nature of a Private Cloud means that you have full control over the infrastructure, enabling you to implement security policies and performance optimizations that are not possible in a shared environment.

Benefits of Our Private Cloud Solutions

Enhanced Security

Superior Performance

Customization and Control

Cost Efficiency

Why Choose Iguana Solutions?

Expertise and Experience

With years of experience in delivering cutting-edge cloud solutions, Iguana Solutions is your trusted partner for Private Cloud services. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring your cloud environment is optimized for performance, security, and reliability.

Comprehensive Support

From initial consultation and design to implementation and ongoing management, we provide end-to-end support to ensure your Private Cloud operates seamlessly. Our 24/7 support team is always available to assist you with any issues or queries.

Innovative Technologies

We leverage the latest technologies and best practices to deliver robust and scalable Private Cloud solutions. Our partnerships with industry leaders ensure that you benefit from the most advanced and reliable cloud infrastructure available.

Get Started Today

Transform your IT infrastructure with Iguana Solutions’ Private Cloud services. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how our customized cloud solutions can help your business thrive.

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 Watch as OpenNebula and Iguana Solutions collaborate to present groundbreaking alternatives to VMware, transforming the future of cloud management and virtualization!
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Professional Services

DevOps and Automation Services: Efficient Deployment and Iteration of AI Applications

Streamline your AI development pipeline with Iguana Solutions’ DevOps and automation services. With Infrastructure as Code (IaC), automate the provisioning, configuration, and management of infrastructure resources for rapid deployment and iteration of AI applications. Our Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) automation tools and processes facilitate seamless integration, testing, and deployment of AI models and algorithms, empowering your organization to innovate with agility and

“ With our previous partner, our ability to grow had come to a halt.. Opting for Iguana Solutions allowed us to multiply our overall performance by at least 4. “

Cyril Janssens

CTO, easybourse

“The know-how of Iguana Solutions allowed us to be relevant in our technical choices from the beginning of the project, while implementing exceptional economic efficiency.”

Jean-David Blanc

CEO, (Acquired by

Trusted by industry-leading companies worldwide

Professional Services

A dedicated team for each customer

For every client, Iguana Solutions dedicates a specialized team comprising a Service Delivery Manager, a Tech Leader, and a Sales Representative, ensuring a tailored, expert-driven approach to meet unique business needs, combining technical proficiency, strategic oversight, and dedicated customer service for optimal solutions.

Dedicated SDM

A Service Delivery Manager enhances project efficiency, ensures tailored solutions, and provides dedicated, personalized client support.

Dedicated Lead Tech

A Tech Leader drives technical excellence, ensures cutting-edge solutions, and guides project success with expert insight.

Public Cloud Hosting

Iguana Solutions helps companies navigate the complexities of public cloud adoption,   from design and implementation to optimization overcoming challenges and unlocking the full range of benefits.

Hybrid Cloud Hosting

Iguana Solutions hhelps businesses leverage the gility and cost-efficiency of hybrid cloud, offering design, creation, and management services for optimal performance.


Mastering Cloud Cost Management

Discover Iguana Solutions’ expertise in FinOps, where our hybrid financial-technical experts help you regain control of your cloud budget. Our approach goes beyond mere cost optimization, empowering teams with the knowledge and tools to effectively manage cloud expenses. With Iguana Solutions, optimize your platform usage according to operational needs and fully embed the FinOps methodology in your company, ensuring efficient and cost-effective cloud management.

Contact Us

Start Your DevOps Transformation Today

Embark on your DevOps journey with Iguana Solutions and experience a transformation that aligns with the highest standards of efficiency and innovation. Our expert team is ready to guide you through every step, from initial consultation to full implementation. Whether you’re looking to refine your current processes or build a new DevOps environment from scratch, we have the expertise and tools to make it happen. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation or to learn more about how our tailored DevOps solutions can benefit your organization. Let us help you unlock new levels of performance and agility. Don’t wait—take the first step towards a more dynamic and responsive IT infrastructure now.