
New offer, DevOps as a service: experts at your disposal

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DevOps as as service : Iguana Solutions offers its clients the possibility to reinforce their technical teams with experts adapted to their needs, for specific periods.

Iguana Solutions puts its experts at your disposal to reinforce your technical teams

How to find the right technical profiles at the right time, for one-off or long-term projects? How do you take advantage of engineers who are immediately operational and integrate them into your teams?

As a service provider specialized in hybrid cloud-based infrastructures, Iguana Solutions is constantly developing new ways to help you meet your technical challenges and innovate by leveraging the capabilities of the cloud.

To meet the growing needs of enterprises, we have developed a service offering that complements our historical services: the provision of experts experienced in DevOps best practices, who will reinforce your technical teams for as long as you need them.

You can benefit from the talents that are essential to your project… but without any commitment!

Experts integrated into your teams: Iguana Solutions’ new service offering

Times are changing and the needs of companies are evolving. For several years now, we have seen a growing need among our clients for short-term services to take charge of one-off projects or to fill a talent shortage – without having to embark on the (restrictive) path of recruitment.

In this context, complex infrastructure management support must evolve to meet this new need, which can be summarized as follows: to be able to count on specialized resources for a limited time.

In response, Iguana Solutions has set up a service that fits in with the company’s historical activity and completes the wide range of its offer developed and refined over its 20 years of experience. Our expertise, deepened through the missions we have taken on for our clients and perfected through the many working environments and tools we have encountered, has led us to deploy two complementary approaches:

  • On the one hand, our “traditional” outsourcing services: DevOps, Cloud migration, custom consulting, managed Cloud, DevSecOps & Audit, 24/7 platform support, dedicated support for technologies such as Terraform or Kubernetes, etc. A range of services that aims to free our customers from managing their web platform, and in doing so, allow them to focus on their core business.
  • On the other hand, a “DevOps as a Service” offer which consists in proposing to our customers who need specific skills, an intervention of experts on site (or remotely) to answer specific technical challenges: development, security, etc. 


This innovative service differs from Iguana Solutions’ traditional field of intervention: it is aimed at companies that are not (yet) clients of our services, and relies on engineers trained in the specific context of a one-off service.

It is possible, however, to combine the two approaches, for example by using a panel of experts on a permanent basis to develop a customized platform, and then using outsourcing services to manage the platform over the long term.

Why use “DevOps as a Service” experts?


Technologies Iguana Solutions 

In a saturated market, operational profiles are a rare commodity. Access to external technical skills, with experts who operate face-to-face or remotely, is an excellent way to integrate essential resources into your teams for limited periods of time.

To do this, Iguana Solutions will identify the right talent for your needs and make them available to you for the desired period of time. These profiles are generally drawn from our pool of in-house experts, but for very specific needs, they can also be recruited for the occasion and then trained internally.

What concrete benefits will you get from it?

  • The right technical profile, at the right time. You have access to the most specialized skills, precisely when you need them, for example to reinforce the security of your platform. Afterwards, you can opt for outsourcing by working with a service provider who guarantees the proper functioning of your web environment, without needing any more in-house resources.
  • A strong expertise, acquired through assignments with different companies and daily work on complex Cloud and hybrid platforms. These expertises can correspond to very specific, even rare profiles.
  • Engineers who are operational from the outset and who join your team without any training. This allows you to benefit from highly qualified resources from day 1, to start the project faster, and to make the most of the intervention.
  • Maximum flexibility. It is up to you to specify the scope of our experts’ intervention: for a duration fixed in advance or until the end of the service, on site or remotely, as a backup to respond to sudden peaks in activity, in France or abroad, etc. In addition, the billing model – based on the time spent and not on the task – is very flexible, as it allows the intervention framework to evolve very easily.
  • A lower financial burden: you don’t need to recruit the necessary profiles, nor keep them permanently on staff. You spend much less for a quality of service equivalent or even superior to what you could expect with a dedicated in-house person.


Iguana Solutions’ offering is diversifying to better respond to our clients’ issues. Through this specialized, one-time expertise, we draw on 20 years of experience to offer a new lever for performance improvement, with no commitment and no constraints, to help our customers meet all their challenges.


Contact us to discover the different profiles available!

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Iguane Solutions

Content Writer, Iguana Solutions

The know-how of Iguana Solutions allowed us to be relevant in our technical choices from the beginning of the project, while implementing exceptional economic efficiency.”

Jean-David Blanc

CEO, (Acquired by

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