Professional Services

Hybrid Cloud Hosting

At Iguana Solutions, we recognize that every business has distinct needs regarding cloud infrastructure. Our Hybrid Cloud Solutions provide an ideal combination of flexibility, scalability, and security. These solutions are customized to meet your organization’s specific requirements, ensuring you can seamlessly adapt to changing demands while maintaining robust security and optimizing costs. Discover the perfect cloud balance with us.

What is a Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid Cloud combines the best of both worlds: public and private clouds. This innovative approach enables businesses to leverage the scalability and cost-efficiency of public cloud services while maintaining control and security with private cloud solutions. By integrating public and private clouds, Hybrid Clotud offers unmatched flexibility, allowing you to allocate resources dynamically based on your evolving needs.
Public clouds provide virtually limitless scalability and cost-effective access to computing resources, making it easier to handle fluctuating workloads and peak demands without significant capital investment. On the other hand, private clouds offer enhanced security, compliance, and control over sensitive data and critical applications, ensuring that your organization meets stringent regulatory requirements and maintains data sovereignty.
With Hybrid Cloud, you can deploy critical workloads in your private cloud while taking advantage of the public cloud for non-sensitive operations, thus optimizing performance and cost-efficiency. This dual approach ensures that your business remains agile, secure, and ready to scale, providing a robust foundation for digital transformation and long-term growth.

Why Choose Hybrid Cloud


Easily scale resources up or down based on demand, ensuring your business can adapt quickly to changing market conditions.

Cost Efficiency

Optimize your IT spend by balancing the use of public and private cloud resources.

Enhanced Security

Keep sensitive data secure with private cloud infrastructure while benefiting from the robust security measures of public cloud providers.

Business Continuity

Ensure high availability and disaster recovery with a hybrid approach that minimizes downtime.

Our Hybrid Cloud Services

Consulting and Strategy

Our experts work with you to develop a comprehensive hybrid cloud strategy that aligns with your business goals.

Implementation and Migration

Seamlessly integrate and migrate your existing infrastructure to a hybrid cloud environment with minimal disruption.

Management and Optimization

We provide ongoing management and optimization to ensure your hybrid cloud environment operates at peak performance.

Security and Compliance

Robust security measures and compliance support to protect your data and meet regulatory requirements.

Key Features of our Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Multi-Cloud Integration

Connect and manage multiple cloud services (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc.) from a single platform.

Automated Workflows

Streamline operations with automated processes and workflows.

Real-Time Monitoring and Analytics

Gain insights into your cloud environment with real-time monitoring and analytics tools.

Customizable Solutions

Ensure high availability and disaster recovery with a hybrid approach that minimizes downtime.

Professional Services

DevOps and Automation Services: Efficient Deployment and Iteration of AI Applications

Streamline your AI development pipeline with Iguana Solutions’ DevOps and automation services. With Infrastructure as Code (IaC), automate the provisioning, configuration, and management of infrastructure resources for rapid deployment and iteration of AI applications. Our Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) automation tools and processes facilitate seamless integration, testing, and deployment of AI models and algorithms, empowering your organization to innovate with agility and efficiency.

“ With our previous partner, our ability to grow had come to a halt.. Opting for Iguana Solutions allowed us to multiply our overall performance by at least 4. “

Cyril Janssens

CTO, easybourse

“The know-how of Iguana Solutions allowed us to be relevant in our technical choices from the beginning of the project, while implementing exceptional economic efficiency.”

Jean-David Blanc

CEO, (Acquired by

Trusted by industry-leading companies worldwide

Professional Services

A dedicated team for each customer

For every client, Iguana Solutions dedicates a specialized team comprising a Service Delivery Manager, a Tech Leader, and a Sales Representative, ensuring a tailored, expert-driven approach to meet unique business needs, combining technical proficiency, strategic oversight, and dedicated customer service for optimal solutions.

Dedicated SDM

A Service Delivery Manager enhances project efficiency, ensures tailored solutions, and provides dedicated, personalized client support.

Dedicated Lead Tech

A Tech Leader drives technical excellence, ensures cutting-edge solutions, and guides project success with expert insight.

Private Cloud Hosting

Iguana Solutions offers private cloud hosting for businesses seeking enhanced security, scalability, and cost control for their demanding data and applications.

Public Cloud Hosting

Iguana Solutions helps companies navigate the complexities of public cloud adoption,   from design and implementation to optimization overcoming challenges and unlocking the full range of benefits.


Mastering Cloud Cost Management

Discover Iguana Solutions’ expertise in FinOps, where our hybrid financial-technical experts help you regain control of your cloud budget. Our approach goes beyond mere cost optimization, empowering teams with the knowledge and tools to effectively manage cloud expenses. With Iguana Solutions, optimize your platform usage according to operational needs and fully embed the FinOps methodology in your company, ensuring efficient and cost-effective cloud management.

Contact Us

Start Your DevOps Transformation Today

Embark on your DevOps journey with Iguana Solutions and experience a transformation that aligns with the highest standards of efficiency and innovation. Our expert team is ready to guide you through every step, from initial consultation to full implementation. Whether you’re looking to refine your current processes or build a new DevOps environment from scratch, we have the expertise and tools to make it happen. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation or to learn more about how our tailored DevOps solutions can benefit your organization. Let us help you unlock new levels of performance and agility. Don’t wait—take the first step towards a more dynamic and responsive IT infrastructure now.