
DevOps, The Ultimate Path to Customer Satisfaction

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Customer satisfaction

Adopting DevOps doesn’t have to be a difficult and exhausting process. In this article, we will analyze how with the support of Iguana Solutions you can implement DevOps in your organization quickly and efficiently in order to boost the level of satisfaction of your customers.

Contrary to what many people think, DevOps is not a technology. DevOps is rather a combination of different methodologies and best practices that enable organizations to deliver reliable and secure applications, faster than ever before. Nevertheless, despite not being a technology, DevOps makes extensive use of cutting-edge infrastructure and tools to achieve the objectives of the organization.

How DevOps Can Help Your Organization

Roue DevOps

Credit image: upklyak

Much has been said about the multiple benefits that DevOps work culture has brought to different organizations. Some of these benefits are listed below.

  • Faster software delivery. By implementing DevOps methodology your organization will be able to deploy software considerably faster. On average, you can expect up to x15 times more deployment frequency. 
  • Superior quality. Worth nothing increasing deployment frequency if the final product is lackluster. Thanks to the advanced monitoring tools used by DevOps specialists your organization can benefit from 80% less change failure rate. 
  • Quicker response time. There is no such thing as “the perfect software”. That is why the best way to differentiate from your competition is by solving problems faster and more efficiently than they do. By implementing the right DevOps tools, your organization can decrease the average incident time by up to 75%.
  • Better ROI. By implementing a DevOps methodology in your organization, you can achieve an ROI of over 182%. This is possible thanks to the incredible savings in time and resources derived from the more efficient DevOps workflow. This certainly makes up for the effort associated with making the necessary changes in your organization.
  • Increased customer satisfaction. As you might guess, faster software deployments and quicker bug fixes will inevitably translate into happy customers. Happy customers that will in turn become loyal clients that will spread the word about the trustworthy services your organization provides. 

Steps to Implement DevOps in Your Organization

DevOps process

Each organization is different and deserves a unique treatment. However, there are some crucial steps that must be taken in order to implement the DevOps methodology successfully.

End the “Dev vs Ops” culture

One of the most difficult aspects of the change to the DevOps philosophy is breaking with the “blame culture”. Collaboration is key since instead of isolated departments DevOps involves the cooperation of all parties involved in the development process in order to achieve a better product.

Set realistic goals

A common mistake when implementing the DevOps philosophy is setting goals that are too ambitious or too easy to achieve. Many times enthusiasm can turn into frustration for this reason. DevOps is a culture, which means that its implementation must be gradual. The problem is that knowing what to expect in the short and medium-term is difficult for organizations that are starting in this process of change. At Iguana Solutions, we have helped hundreds of clients to overcome that kind of obstacle. We understand the challenges your company faces and therefore we can guide your organization on the right path.

Upgrade your infrastructure

Depending on the objectives that have been set, your organization will need an improved infrastructure that provides both your team and your clients with the necessary tools for a true technological and organizational transformation. Some of the key technologies in this process include:

  • Multi-Cloud environments

At the heart of any implementation is its ability to have a flexible development environment that offers resilience and adaptability to the increasing complexity of enterprise processes. The cloud offers a decentralized, scalable, and versatile testing/production environment perfect for this scenario. Regardless of whether your organization requires a public cloud, a private cloud, or a hybrid cloud, Iguana Solutions can design a proper environment as well as assisting your organization in migrating your current infrastructure to the cloud.

  • Automation

Arguably one of the most important factors behind CI/CD (continuous delivery / continuous deployment) practices is the ability to create ephemeral environments on-demand so your team can replicate production-like environments and run tests before the final release. In that regard, automating CI/CD pipelines is key to DevOps. At Iguana Solutions, we can help your team to automate the entire process, from environment creation to provisioning to configuration. 

  • Autoscaling

The expectation of customers today is that their platform’s performance remains stable regardless of changes in traffic. In that sense, one of the biggest benefits of implementing DevOps culture and tools is the capacity of autoscaling the platform to adapt to any load change. This works both ways, the system can automatically increase the available resources to absorb a sudden increase in traffic, even making use of other clusters, or it can reduce its size to save resources at times of low traffic load.

  • Monitoring software

For any modern infrastructure, data collection at all levels is crucial. This information enables each department to have real-time visibility of the projects, which is key to the integration of the DevOps team. Moreover, collecting metrics of all services allows the implementation of monitoring and alerting systems to prevent problems proactively, and in the event of failure, provides the ability to analyze the data to accelerate the resolution of the problem. At Iguana Solutions, we are experts in the implementation of advanced monitoring tools that will help your organization to achieve better results through identifying key areas of improvement.

Promote continuous performance reviews

DevOps is about collaboration and transparency between departments. This includes recurring performance reviews in order to identify the ability of both individuals and teams to achieve organization’s goals. Think of it as a feedback mechanism that allows you to know what the strengths and weaknesses of the work team are and thus be able to improve in the areas that are necessary.

Iguana Solutions Services

Adopting the DevOps culture as well as implementing its related tools is a process that requires enormous commitment from your organization. It is a path that will allow your company to optimize development processes at all levels and thus win the hearts of your clients by delivering high-quality applications much faster. At Iguana Solutions, we are more than willing to help you on this incredible journey towards excellence. 

Contact us, and start the journey now.

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