Category: Security

Web Infrastructure Traffic Peaks: How to Manage Them?

How to Effectively Manage Your Traffic Peak? Every company has strong times, anticipated or unforeseen, which cause increases in traffic over very short periods of time, and produce significant stress on the infrastructure. However, it is essential that it can withstand shock and remain functional to avoid service interruptions, and serious consequences. It is also […]

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Energy Consumption: Our Partner’s Data Centers Are Ready

In a tense context where energy consumption is at the heart of our discussions in France, energy sobriety is necessary, and the government has already announced that possible power outages will be expected this winter throughout the country. For 20 years, Iguana Solutions has been offering its clients hosting and managed services 24/7 to ensure […]

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Business Continuity Plan or Disaster Recovery Plan

Business Continuity Plan or Disaster Recovery Plan: What Are the Differences and How to Choose? Within an information system, a disaster can happen quickly. While the risks of business disruption are always getting higher over time (network failure, hacking, natural disaster, or others), business continuity or recovery is crucial for companies. In fact, to avoid […]

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Kubernetes: restrict access to your K8S cluster

Mastering Kubernetes is not always easy especially when it comes to security. Through this article, from theory to practice, you will discover how to effectively manage access to your Kubernetes clusters. Read the full article on medium. This article was written by Jonathan Marsaud and Cédric Laudrel , System Engineer Experts at Iguana Solutions.   […]

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Case study: Kayrros grows scalable and reliable IT infrastructure

Kayrros leverages Platform Equinix and Iguana Solutions to optimize network, bare metal and storage services. The world’s leading carbon tracking company is transforming its IT infrastructure for greater scalability, reliability and security, while reducing data networking costs. Challenge Throughout the past few years, Kayrros’ global data analytics platform had been predominantly distributed across multiple service […]

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