Category: Cloud

Tous nos articles techniques et/ou business sur le cloud : découvrez l’expertise d’Iguane Solutions sur le cloud public, privé ou hybride ainsi que des retours d’expérience via nos cas clients.

Iguana Solutions USA on French TV BFM “L’Hebdo des PME”

Iguana Solutions has participated to a French TV show “L’Hebdo des PME” on BFM Business about market analysis, core business and our next goal. Review full interview on channel web site (french):

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Iguana Solutions USA on BFM Business

Iguana Solutions USA has participated to BFM Business analysis about market analysis, core business, our next goal and why we are different ? Review full interview on channel web site (french) :

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This month in “l’informaticien” June 2016

The newspaper “L’informaticien”  June 2016 write a special article about «  Deezer Infrastructure. Behind music, redundancy ». Find an extract here : “The outsourcing choice is logical at the time, Iguana Solutions works on DailyMotion and thus knows the problems of streaming and encoding. Very quickly, a partnership is tied with Deezer” We worked together for nine […]

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Iguana Solutions in IT for Business

The IT Business newspaper in April 2016 write a special folder “Deezer outsources its high availability infrastructure to Iguana Solutions.” See an excerpt of it: “Iguana Solutions is the origin of many recommendations, including on the part servers, and works with us from the beginning on optimizing our infrastructure They also participate in the reflection, […]

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Open Compute Project include Google initiative

The Open Compute Project is a project that aims to share and collaborate on technologies used in the area of deployment and use of data centers in order to improve the functioning infrastructure, standardize innovations. This project is for 5 years at the initiative of Facebook. The Open Compute Project, aims to improve the technologies […]

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