Category: Cloud

Tous nos articles techniques et/ou business sur le cloud : découvrez l’expertise d’Iguane Solutions sur le cloud public, privé ou hybride ainsi que des retours d’expérience via nos cas clients.

New offer, DevOps as a service: experts at your disposal

Iguana Solutions puts its experts at your disposal to reinforce your technical teams How to find the right technical profiles at the right time, for one-off or long-term projects? How do you take advantage of engineers who are immediately operational and integrate them into your teams? As a service provider specialized in hybrid cloud-based infrastructures, […]

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Web Infrastructure Traffic Peaks: How to Manage Them?

How to Effectively Manage Your Traffic Peak? Every company has strong times, anticipated or unforeseen, which cause increases in traffic over very short periods of time, and produce significant stress on the infrastructure. However, it is essential that it can withstand shock and remain functional to avoid service interruptions, and serious consequences. It is also […]

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CDN: the benefits of a content delivery network

CDN: a performance and security lever for your website You have certainly already seen the acronym CDN (for Content Delivery Network ). Built of many servers that play the role of relays, this network ensures rapid access to the content of a website or application, especially when users are located at great distance from origin […]

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Autoscaling: How to implement your strategy?

How can you put in place an autoscaling strategy adapted to your business needs? Cloud computing is becoming a standard for business. Your company probably already uses web-hosted services. In a cloud ecosystem, the key to performance (and cost rationalization) is to manage resources: at all times, you must ensure that the number of machines […]

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Simplifying the journey to multicloud with interconnection

As enterprises seek to respond to the challenges associated with the post-Covid reality and the opportunities presented by the digital economy, the move to multicloud architectures is gathering pace. But as firms make the transition, they’re finding that multicloud is not the panacea for all ills. Indeed, it presents specific challenges of its own. Interconnection […]

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