Cloud Infrastructure: Tailored Cloud Solutions for Your Gen AI Initiatives

In the evolving world of AI, the right infrastructure makes all the difference. Iguana Solutions offers AI KUBE by IG1 a Kubernetes solution optimized to handle intensive computations, vast data and complex algorithms required by AI workloads. Imagine your AI models training at lightning speed, scaling effortlessly, and running securely with minimal downtime. Our clusters, equipped with the latest GPUs and TPUs, advanced resource management, and a comprehensive AI-specific software stack, make this a reality. Whether you’re developing cutting-edge AI applications or deploying models at scale, our infrastructure delivers the performance, efficiency, and security you need. Join Iguana Solutions and empower your AI initiatives with infrastructure as intelligent and dynamic as your solutions.

AI KUBE by IG1 Core Benefits

Superior Performance

Our Gen AI clusters are equipped with powerful GPUs and TPUs, enabling accelerated model training and deployment. The native integration of NVIDIA GPUs with Kubernetes enhances the hardware’s capabilities, significantly reducing processing times and improving overall performance. This results in efficient and effective AI workload execution on KUBE by IG1.

Enhanced Resource Management

Our clusters use advanced Kubernetes schedulers and autoscaling mechanisms to dynamically allocate resources, ensuring optimal utilization and efficiency. Features like node affinity, taints/tolerations, and pod priority ensure that critical AI workloads get the resources they need. Resource isolation using namespaces, cgroups, and QoS classes guarantees fair distribution and predictable performance, minimizing resource contention and maximizing efficiency.

Specialized Software Stack

Our AI clusters are pre-equipped with optimized AI frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, vLLM, and TGI for GPU/TPU utilization. The integrated development tools like Jupyter Notebooks and Kubeflow facilitate the entire AI lifecycle, from data preparation to model deployment. Advanced data processing, storage solutions, and model management tools ensure the efficiency, reproducibility, and scalability of your AI projects, providing a comprehensive environment for AI innovation. To seamlessly incorporate AI into your applications using OpenAI, we offer a service with an OpenAI compatible API, allowing any OpenAI-developed application to work immediately with this managed stack.

Superior Performance

High-Performance Hardware

Native Integration

Enhanced Resource Management

Dynamic Resource Allocation


Resource Isolation

Specialized Software Stack

Pre-Installed AI Frameworks

AI Development Tools

Planning to create your own models ? Your data science and Machine Learning professionals will greatly appreciate the deployment and management of popular tools and services that are compatible with Kubernetes.

Model Training and Deployment

DataOps and MLOps Tools

Visualization and Monitoring

AI Model Management

Inside Look:
Kubernetes Event at Iguana Solutions'
Paris Office

REX from Cyril Janssens, CTO of EasyBourse, who relied on Iguana Solutions' expertise to optimize his infrastructure and presentation of our work on

managed Kubernetes solutions : KUBE by IG1.

Play Video

“ With our previous partner, our ability to grow had come to a halt.. Opting for Iguana Solutions allowed us to multiply our overall performance by at least 4. “

Cyril Janssens

CTO, easybourse


AI KUBE by IG1: Key Features

Automated, reliable, and flexible managed Kubernetes 
for optimized cloud efficiency and support.


Default Delivered Forge and CI/CD

Pre-set configuration that streamlines software development by automating integration and deployment processes, enhancing efficiency and consistency in project workflows.

On-prem self-service LoadBalancer

Offers streamlined, user-driven control over traffic distribution, enhancing application performance and reliability within an on-premises infrastructure.

On-prem self-service PersistentVolumes

Allow for flexible, autonomous management of storage resources, tailored to specific application needs while maintaining data persistence and reliability..

Professional Services

Support 24 / 7 via slack

Offers the advantage of immediate, round-the-clock assistance, ensuring quick resolution of issues and uninterrupted operations for businesses.


Deployments and Updates

Enhance operational efficiency by ensuring consistent, error-free application rollouts and maintaining the latest security and performance updates without manual intervention.

Kube by IG1 feature Showdown

Kube by IG1 vs. Public Cloud Kubernetes: The Ultimate Feature Showdown

Kube by IG1 In-Depth Feature Comparison of On-Premise vs. Public Cloud Solutions


Kubernetes On Premise

Public Cloud Kubernetes

Kubernetes On Public Cloud

Kubernetes Features

Unlimited Load Balancer

kubect1 Interface for developers

Persistent Volumes Multi write

Storage Encryption


Physical Server Support

Load Balancing with ingress
“Services of type LoadBalancer offered by MetalLB”

IP Co-Sharing to Use a Single Public IP

Only on Google GKE

Persistent Volume Multi-Write on SSD

Cluster Topology Backup

Only on Google GKE

Cluster Migration

Managed CI/CD

Log Export

99.95% SLA and 24/7 Support

Professional Services

Your Transformation Partner: Navigate the Gen AI Revolution with Us

Navigate the Gen AI revolution with Iguana Solutions as your key partner. 
We provide tailored Gen AI solutions, focusing on fine-tuning models, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), and more. Specializing in on-premise environments, we offer secure, customizable deployments. Partnering with us transforms your business model and enhances team / customer experiences. Empower your organization to achieve sustainable success and unlock your full potential in the Gen AI era.

Trusted by industry-leading companies worldwide

Contact Us

Start Your DevOps Transformation Today

Embark on your DevOps journey with Iguana Solutions and experience a transformation that aligns with the highest standards of efficiency and innovation. Our expert team is ready to guide you through every step, from initial consultation to full implementation. Whether you’re looking to refine your current processes or build a new DevOps environment from scratch, we have the expertise and tools to make it happen. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation or to learn more about how our tailored DevOps solutions can benefit your organization. Let us help you unlock new levels of performance and agility. Don’t wait—take the first step towards a more dynamic and responsive IT infrastructure now.